#1 Andreja Andric: Sound/noise programming in Java
12.00–17.00 both days @Høegh Guldbergs Gade 65B, 8000 Aarhus C, DK
The workshop is in english—and it's free of charge. Max. workshop participants: 8
Bring your own laptop + power supply
In this two day workshop Andreja will teach some basic Java programming, investigate the details of the wav and aiff sound file formats—and discuss some approaches to generative music. We'll look into the basics of digital sound—and build our own software application to create generative sound processes using fundamental techniques of computer programming.
- No programming experience required (you'll learn on the spot)
- No knowledge of music software required (we won't be using any)
- No musical background required
Bio: Andreja Andric (born 1973) is a Serbian sound artist, currently living in Aarhus, Denmark. His chief interests lie in playful exploration of mathematical processes and chance. He exhibits and performs internationally, mainly with works that use computer programming as key means of artistic expression.